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Pushing up on Carlisle Road into the seething
Through the plastic visor - a hail of broken kerbstone
Fire-lit-faces, all the noise - so much hatred
What I remember thinking - I can't believe this is happening
All I remember thinking...
Came home four, four-thirty, Emma was waiting up
for me
News channel drone on the TV, her arms clasped around her knee
She looked up but said nothing
I went up to the kids bedroom, touched their sleeping faces
Wondered how I could protect them
Wondered how to protect them...
Carnival - CD (9/05)
Anthology - Double CD (02/11)
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My friend, is it still ringing in your ears
Through all those blessed and poisoned years
You will still say I was wrong
But you'll miss me when I'm gone
Carrying on, carrying on, carrying on
And now I watch the falling of the leaves
We live by little deaths such as these
And when everything is changed
I'll embrace it once again
Carrying on, carrying on, carrying on
The empty roads we travelled now are filled
With all the brave processions of desperate will
All looking to burn out in glory
And you know just how that feels
But I've made my choice for better or for worse
And it's everything I know and it's nothing much at all
Carrying on, carrying on, carrying on
You will still say I was wrong
But you'll miss me when I'm gone
Carrying on, carrying on, carrying on
Nov.-Dec. 93 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg
- Europe Tour
Jan.-Feb. 94 - Red Sky Coven - Germany, Amsterdam Tour
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I love the things that I have made
Lights upon the sky, spinning all the while
And all the places that I've been
Are easy to forget
Just like the way that she used to smile
And everything is witnessed
Through moving panes of glass
Winter sunlight flashing through the trees
Christmas lights and snow to come
Falling soft and silent like a wish
Or a blanket on the years
Sleepless dreams like drunkards
Trying to stagger home
All across the empty land
And the things that I was sure of
Are buried safe away
Deep in the frozen ground
And all of this is witnessed
Through a moving pane of glass
Winter sunlight flashing through the trees
Christmas lights and snow to come
Falling soft and silent like a wish
Or a blanket on the years
(Instrumental version) - Strange Brotherhood - Triple LP (7/98)
(Instrumental version) - Lost Songs - Double CD (2/02)
BD3 EP - CD (11/06)
(Cologne Palladium, 16/12/06) - 1980-2010 - Triple DVD (2/11)
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Headline in the paper tells of fighting in the
Teenage battles; six arrested
Mutters in the council chambers, something must be done
Before our city streets become infested
And mummy turns to daddy says "where was our little boy that day
Why can't he just stay at home and watch the silver screen"
All we wanted was a cause that we could fight for
One chance for the heroes to win the day
All we wanted was a chance to see the world
In black and white
Instead of a hundred shades of grey
Watch the raving maniacs go carving up the night
See the barmy smiles on their faces
See the crazy bombers going cross their deadly wires
Blow themselves into a million pieces
The bands play it hard and fast go ripping through their sets
Adrenalin going flowing drink
and no regrets
What do we tell our grandchildren
When they ask us about the good old days
Boring empty daytime jobs and frozen up inside
Do you not remember what your daddy told you long ago
God, how the old men used to fight
Radio Sessions 83-83 - CD (6/88)
Radio Sessions 83-83 - LP (6/88)
Vengeance/Radio Sessions - Double Picture CD (6/95)
Smalltown England - Double CD (97)
(Demo) - Vengeance - The Whole Story 1980-84 -
Double CD (12/12)
Bittersweet - 7" (Plus Flexi) (5/83)
14/09/81 - Funhouse Bar, Keighley
02/10/82 - Trades Club Hebden Bridges
30/04/83 - Pavilion, North Ormesby
Feb.-Mar. 86 - UK Mini Tour
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(Sam Cooke)
I was born by the river in a
little tent
And just like that river I've been running ever since
It's been a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will
It's been too hard living, but I'm
afraid to die
Cos I don't know what's out there beyond the sky
And then I go to see my brother
And I ask him to help me please
And he just winds up knockin' me
Back down on my knees
There were times when I thought I
couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
23/07/96 - Justin Sullivan - Kaue, Gelsenkirchen
Aug. 98 - Justin Sullivan - Germany Tour
30/09/99 - Justin Sullivan - Markthalle, Hamburg (Move for Mumia)
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The sky is broken in grey and in silver, the wind
blows clean
We watch the shadows chase across the hillside and out to sea
You and I, we're nearly full circle, it's just a touch away
And all the seeds we've sown in a lifetime
They'll come good some day
Pain is what you live with
And try to change the subject
In the dark the hands reach out
But I still feel the wonder
As the sky turns to fire
A catching in the heart
Standing between the worlds
In the changing of the light
Across the desert the wise men travelled - following a
I see the same star shining above us - endlessly
(Nottingham etc.) - Rock City
23-10-2000 - Video (2001???)
(9/94) - Big Guitars in
Little Europe - CD (3/95)
Navigating by the Stars - CD
(Nobody Else) - Feb.-May 98 -
Nobody Else Tour (UK, Europe)
03/07/99 - Justin Sullivan and Friends -
Forestglade Festival, Wiesen
Jan.-Feb. 94 - Red Sky Coven -
Germany, Amsterdam Tour
Jul. 94 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Netherlands Festivals
Sep. 94 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Netherlands Tour
Aug. 98 - Justin Sullivan - Germany Tour
Jan. 99 - Red Sky Coven - Germany Tour
Mar. 99 - Red Sky Coven - UK Tour
30/09/99 - Justin Sullivan - Markthalle, Hamburg (Move for Mumia)
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Our history speaks in thunder
From a thousand village halls
In blood and sweat and sacrifice
In honouring every call
So the forces gathered against the thorn
A-piercing in their side
The brave new world is
So the olden world must die
In the offices of the city
At all the tables of oak and power
The snares are laid and baited
For the approaching of the hour
A hundred justifications
And the presses are ready to roll
The gateways to the nation
They are firmly under control
On on on, cried the leaders at the back
We went galloping down the blackened hills
And into the gaping trap
The bridges are burnt behind us
And there's waiting guns ahead
Into the valley of death
Rode the brave hundreds
Well we called for some assistance
From the friends that we had known
But this is the 1980s
And we were on our own
We never felt like heroes
Or martyrs to a cause
Just battleweary soldiers
In a bloody civil war
The massacre now is over
And the order new enshrined
While a quarter of the nation
Are abandoned far behind
Their leaders offer the cliché words
So righteous in defeat
But no one needs morality
When there isn't enough to eat
The unity bond is broken
And the loyalty songs are fake
I'll screw my only brother
For even a glimpse at a piece of the cake
We only cry in private here
Behind the shuttered glass
When we think of the charge of this brigade
The severing of the past
White Coats - 12" (6/87)
White Coats (EP) - 7" (6/87)
New Model Army - CD (7/87)
New Model Army - LP (7/87)
Collection - LP (5/91)
Thunder and Consolation - CD (2/89)
(Remastered) - Thunder and Consolation - Double CD (5/05)
The Collection - CD (10/04)
(London Town and Country Club, 21/
or 22/02/89) - Green and Grey - 7" (5/89)
(Hamburg Sporthalle, 06/11/90) - Raw Melody Men - CD (5/91)
(Hamburg Sporthalle, 06/11/90) - Raw Melody Men - Double LP (5/91)
(Berlin Eissporthalle, 05/11/90) - BBC Radio One Live in Concert - CD
(Nottingham etc.) - Rock City
23-10-2000 - Video (2001???)
(London Astoria, 16/12/03) - Live
161203 - DVD + CD (5/04)
(Bonn Biskuithalle, 25/10/88) - In
This Together - Bootleg LP
(Nottingham Rock City, 28/02/89) - Like a Storm - Bootleg CD
Aug. 87 - USA Tour
Sep.-Oct. 87 - UK, Europe Tour
Jul. 88 - Northern Europe Festivals
Sep. 88 - UK Tour
25/10/88 - Biskuithalle, Bonn (WDR Rocknacht)
Jan.-Apr. 89 - Thunder and Consolation Tour (Europe, UK)
Oct.-Dec. 90 - Impurity Tour (UK, Europe)
Mar.-May 91 - Europe Tour (Partly as Raw Melody Men)
Jun. 91 - Germany Festivals
Sep. 91 - USA, Canada Tour
Dez. 91 - UK, Germany Tour
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Such a sensitive opinion in one so young
Would you like to know about everything that we've done
You believe what you read in the printed lies
But you won't believe the evidence of your own eyes
And yes I've done a lot of things
You'd probably call a crime
But I don't feel guilty for anything
All the tongues waggle
But we just smile
That'll keep the little buggers
Going for a while
I live within natural justice
I understand nature's law
But as for your Christian morals
. . .
How, how you love this, how you love it
You go out and you find it
How you love it, how you love it
Such horror, oh such a farce
A little bit of broken glass
You should think yourself lucky that this was done
You'll have something you can whine about for years to come . . .
Oh such a shock, such a farce
Just a little bit of broken glass
You should think yourself lucky that this was done
You'll have something to complain about the years to come . . .
Well yes I've done a lot of things
You'd definitely call a crime
But I don't feel guilty for any of them
All the tongues waggle
But we just smile
That'll keep the little buggers
Going for a little while
All the tongues waggle
But we just smile
That'll keep the little buggers
Going for a while
Methinks the
lady doth protest too much
White Coats - 12" (6/87)
White Coats (EP) - 7" (6/87)
New Model Army - CD (7/87)
New Model Army - LP (7/87)
Thunder and Consolation - CD (2/89)
(Remastered) - Thunder and Consolation - Double CD (5/05)
Sep.-Oct. 87 - UK, Europe Tour
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There's a witch
hunt coming
Screaming out on its rebirth
There's a crusade coming
Hellfires back here on earth
See the light in their eyes shine
Listen to their words like swords
The Christian militia is marching now
There's a witch hunt coming
Born from all those American fears
There's a new purge coming
An inquisition for all of
us here
Hold onto your sanity as best you can
While some Hitler claims to speak for the Son of Man
The Christian militia is marching now
Hatred makes the adrenalin flow
Stir up the fire watch it grow
Everybody loves a righteous cause
Old lives forgotten in holy wars
Everything forgotten in holy wars
There's a nightmare coming
Shut up your doors close your mind
There's a nightmare coming
Born again, born again blind
The girls show the way, then show their legs
With American showbiz razzmatazz
With sex in one hand and a gun in
the other
Christ returns
The right-wing respectable clampdown clan
Find their figure head in a holy man
Here come the Christians an hysterical mob
Worshipping the Devil in the name of God
Worshipping the Devil in the name of God
Vengeance - LP (4/84)
Vengeance - The Independent Story - CD (6/87)
(The John Peel Session) - Radio Sessions 83-83 - CD (6/88)
(The John Peel Session) - Radio Sessions 83-83 - LP (6/88)
Vengeance/Radio Sessions - Double Picture CD (6/95)
(The John Peel Session) - Vengeance/Radio Sessions - Double Picture CD
Smalltown England - Double CD (97)
(The John Peel Session) - Smalltown England - Double CD (97)
Anthology - Double CD (02/11)
(Remastered) - Vengeance - The Whole Story 1980-84 - Double CD (12/12)
(The John Peel Session) - Vengeance - The Whole Story 1980-84 - Double CD (12/12)
(Demo) - Roly - Bootleg CDR (2009?)
(London Marquee, 21/04/85) - Live
21.4.85 - Video (85)
(London Marquee, 21/04/85) - History - The Videos 85-90 - Video (3/92)
(London Marquee, 21/04/85) -
1980-2010 - Triple DVD (2/11)
(Christmas 2014 shows) - Between
Wine and Blood Live - Triple CD (4/15)
(Christmas 2014 shows) - Between
Wine and Blood Live - DVD (4/15)
(Chelmsford Chauncellor Hall,
14/05/85) - Limited Edition 4 Track EP - Bootleg 7"
(Chelmsford Chauncellor Hall, 14/05/85) - We Never Asked for Any of
This - Bootleg LP (plus Limited Edition 4 Track EP)
(Nottingham Rock City, 28/02/89) - Like a Storm -
Bootleg CD
30/04/83 - Pavilion, North Ormesby
20/01/84 - The Tube (TV Channel 4)
Apr.-Jun. 84 - UK Tour
Sep.-Dec. 84 - Northern Europe, UK Tour
Apr.-May 85 - UK Tour
Jun. 85 - UK Tour
Sep.-Nov. 85 - Brave New World Tour (Europe, Japan, UK)
Feb.-Mar. 86 - UK Mini Tour
05/04/86 - Breekend Festival, Bree (Belgium)
26/07/86 - Mersea Island Festival, Colchester
Aug.-Dec. 86 - Ghost of Cain Tour (UK, Europe, USA, Canada)
Mar. 87 - Northern Europe Tour
Sep.-Oct. 87 - UK, Europe Tour
Jul. 88 - Northern Europe Festivals
Sep. 88 - UK Tour
Jan.-Apr. 89 - Thunder and Consolation Tour (Europe, UK)
May-Jun 89 - USA, Canada Tour
Jan.-Apr. 89 - Thunder and Consolation Tour (Europe, UK)
Jun.-Jul. 89 - Europe Festivals
Oct.-Dec. 90 - Impurity Tour (UK, Europe)
14/02/91 - Marquee, London
Mar.-May 91 - Europe Tour (Partly as Raw Melody Men)
Feb.-Jul. 93 - Love of Hopeless Causes Tour (Europe, UK, USA,Canada)
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(Instrumental demo) - Roly - Bootleg CDR (2009?)
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Kandy's coming home 11.45 today
I'll take the battered car and meet her down outside the gates
She says we're going back to where it all began
Now that the prices have been paid and all the penance done
I'd forgive her anything to make me feel the way she did
I'm not worried now, I'm not worried now
We're coming up in the morning air
We'll cross the bridge just when we get there
I don't care what comes any trick that fate can bring
We'll take on any cause, anybody, anything
One day I'll understand what it all was for
But I'm not looking back or thinking too much any more
And tonight out on Black Dyke Ridge
We'll pull the car to the side of the road
And watch the shooting stars and all the city spread below
We'll be cheek to cheek and all those things we missed
I'm not worried now, I'm not worried now
We're coming up in the morning air
We'll cross the bridge just when we get there
And all the hours go by and the faces pass
Their secrets held and eyes like glass
And there's always time, there's so little time
For us to be but maybe . . .
And all the hours go by and I'm counting still
And I see her face and I see her smile
And there's so little time, there's so little time
For us to be but maybe
We're coming up in the morning air
We'll cross the bridge just when we get there
Lost Songs - Double CD (2/02)
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Why does detective never go
See how the tension never lie
Why have the faction never life
See how the faction never go.
We've all seen the moment, the chances, the power
See them all go running by the wires
See how your captain never lie
See how the copper never know
See how your faction never lie
Why are they deaf and never alive
We've all had the moment, the chances, the power
We've all seen them all go running by
In a moment, in a moment, it's (just?) my conscience
Why don't you never lie to go
See how the faction never lie
We are the faction here below
See how the faction never lie
People had the moment, the chances, the power
We've all seen them all go running by
In a moment, in a moment, it's (just?) my conscience
14/09/81- Funhouse Bar, Keighley
Thanks to Monty
for the lyrics!
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We walk every morning in silence
Past the mills on Whetley Lane
Where the lights went out for the very last time
And they never came on again
The spokesmen all shed crocodile
In the glory of the News at Ten
But the proudest eyes are long since dry
And they're never going to cry again
Dear Friend, I salute your courage
And I toast to your health
And I wish you all the luck in the whole wide world
May you never be broken
Like they say you will . . .
Waking up sudden from a nightmare
You were walking the line in pain
With a shaven head to the slaughterhouse
And you never came back again
But she took me in her arms and she held me
Close tight for a minute or two
And we laughed and smiled and closed our eyes
Slept again thinking of you . . .
And the way that it is
The way that it really is
With the money talking
And a scape goat lover
With the painted face of a scolding mother
I salute your courage . . .
Now lost in time, cut off from history
This is not knowledge
This is information . . .
Poison Street - 12" (2/87)
Poison Street - 12" (plus Bootlegged Bootleg) (2/87)
Poison Street - 7" (2/87)
Lights Go Out - 12" (3/87)
B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks - CD (9/94)
The Collection - CD (10/04)
(Remastered) - The Ghost of Cain - Double CD (5/05)
(London Astoria, 16/12/03) - Live 161203 - DVD + CD (5/04)
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(Instrumental demo) - Roly - Bootleg CDR (2009?)
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(Duet with a female singer)
We come from the kind of town - I suffer when the rain comes down
I like happy-ever-after - and a couple of beers
Rain wells / Railways and the motorways end here - traffic jams and reverse temptations
Rainbows and brains all disappear
On the verge of tears overflowing
Those crocodile tears just keep, just keep, just keep going
With a microchip on your shoulder
- nothing finds you while going to Arizona
While fighting a losing battle - all the way every day of the year
So let's find, find your poison - the world goes blind when the world is gorgeous
Waving or drowning, no one sees nobody disappear
On the verge of tears overflowing
Those crocodile tears just keep going
And you want to go fast, past the factories,
Fast, past the cemeteries, fast, past the memories
Waiting for you fast and few
The tears, overflowing
Those crocodile tears
just keep, just keep, just keep going
We come from the kind of town where there something's always closing down on you
We come from the kind of town where all you wanna do is just keep going
Stay true, fast and true
Stay true, fast and true
14/11/83 - Marquee, London (?)
Thanks to Monty for the lyrics!
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Another foggy night in hometown
Cruising the backstreet pubs with a friend or two
I guess we were laughing how we made it through the bad old days
When across the bar I caught a glimpse of you
Sometimes they ask me why I don't sit with you
I guess they'll never understand
I don't need to have my heart broken another time
Or to have to shake your useless wasted hand
So tell me - what do you dream about
And tell me - how do you shut it all out
And how do you live with yourself now
And I hope that she's really happy now
Now she's got her cake and she
went and ate him too
Heads down, out on 47 Poison
With all the ghosts just sitting there with you
- he was a deaf man
And Jesus Christ was a jew
But of all those little twists of irony -
My favourite one is you
And if our eyes ever have to meet for more than
just one second
Then if you weren't already there I would tell you to go to hell
But if I spent my whole damn life trying to think of a curse for you
It would never be as bad as the curse that you dealt to yourself
So tell me - what do you dream about
And tell me - how do you shut it all out
And how do you live with yourself now
What do you dream about
And how the hell do you shut it all out
And how do you feel about it now?
Puritiy - Maxi CD (10/90)
Purity - 12" (10/90)
Purity - 10" (10/90)
B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks - CD (9/94)
(Remastered) - Impurity - Double CD (5/05)
Dec. 94 - UK Tour/Feb. 95 - Europe Tour
Sep.-Oct. 89 - Red Sky Coven - UK,
Germany Tour
May 90 - Red Sky Coven - Grootebroek, Germany Tour
[ Introduction | Song Index | Updates ]
01/04/99; last update 09/07/17