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Carlisle Road
The song:
song "describes the aftermath of the 2001 race riots in Bradford from
the point of view of a riot cop coming home in the early hours, still
unable to believe what he has witnessed, standing over his children's
beds and wondering how he will ever be able to protect them from the
- Source: Cathi Unsworth in 3 am Magazine -
refers to earlier riots in Bradford. The 2001 riots have been labelled
'race riots', but in March 2009, Joolz on the old NMA noticeboard
insisted that "after the events, politicians and religious leaders from
various communities saw an opportunity to promote themselves and their
various causes by hi-jacking what was a pretty varied youth riot and
attributing it to whatever suited their agenda. Interestingly there
were more than a few young women involved but they are never mentioned,
nor when the government ran around throwing money at the area after the
2nd riot in the guise of various youth projects, were the young women
invited to become involved and all that came out of it was a number of
surly youths were paid a weekly wage to learn how to be rappers by
'experts' imported from London who did not even address said youths
illiteracy because they were afraid of them (I am quoting). That
project culminated in one of the most cringe-worthy performances I have
ever witnessed held at the Studio Theatre. I need not say the whole
ill-judged nonsense was a debacle."
- Source: Joolz Denby on NMA Noticeboard on 23/03/2009 - Read more: Wikipedia
Carlisle Road:
A street north-west to the centre of Bradford,
part of the Outer Ring around the centre and leading into
Whetley Lane.
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Carrying On
The song:
Around 1993, when Justin started to play this song solo, New Model Army
had split. I have always felt that this was Justins comment on the
Ringing in your
This supposedly signifies bad news.
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Backwards the title of this song reads "Nelsac", which is short for
Nelson Acoustic.
- Source: Noticeboard of official NMA website -
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The Cause
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A Change is Gonna Come
The song:
This is the best song perhaps that Sam Cooke ever wrote. He wrote
lots and lots of brilliant pop songs, and then he felt that he -
because of the civil rights movement he had to write a song that
related to that, and he wrote this brilliant song that later Otis
Redding had a hit with. And it applies to everyone, all the time,
- Source: Justin Sullivan, 21/08/98, Sumpfblume, Hameln -
[ Back to A Change is Gonna Come ]
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Changing of the Light
The song:
We were driving today through the lovely rain and looked up at the
trees. This time of the year is my favourite time of the year actually,
the end of summer when it goes into autumn, September is the greatest
month. You feel everything changing, it gets colder, and I love this.
This is a song that I wrote in Luebeck five years ago at this time of
the year - in Luebeck, but not about Luebeck.
- Source: Justin Sullivan, 21/08/98, Sumpfblume, Hameln -
Wise men:
The Three Wise Men or Three Kings are biblical figures. They followed a
star from the east to Jerusalem to worship the newborn Jesus.
- Read more: Wikipedia
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The Charge
The song:
Based on a poem by Lord Alfred Tennyson called "The Charge Of the Light
Brigade". This event happened during the Crimean War in the 1850s, when
a Brigade of British cavalry charged down a valley and were all but
wiped out by Russian artillery, after a typical cock-up by British Army
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismayed?
Not tho' the soldiers knew
Someone had blundered:
Theirs was not to make reply,
Theirs was not to reason why,
Theirs was but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Cannon to the right of them,
Cannon to the left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell,
Rode the six hundred.
Flashed all their sabres bare,
Flashed as they turned in air,
Sab'ring the gunners there,
Charging and army, while
All the world wondered:
Plunging in the battery smoke,
Right through the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reeled from the sabre-stroke
Shattered and sundered.
Then they rode back, but not -
Not the six hundred.
Cannon to the right of them,
Cannon to the left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that fought so well,
Came thro' the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of the six hundred.
When can their glory fade?
Oh, the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made!
Honor the Light Brigade,
Noble Six Hundred!
- Source: Robert S. Tuckey in Nobby's Stupid Questions - The New Model Army FAQ -
There are also two films of the same title which refer to the same event: the first one, an American production of 1936 directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland and David Niven, is an adventure movie that glorifies the "heroic" death on the battlefield, but the second one, produced in the UK in 1976, directed by Tony Richardson and starring Trevor Howard, Vanessa Redgrave, David Hemmings and John Gielgud, depicts the senselessness of the soldiers' deaths and blames the failure of the army leaders.
The Charge compares
the Miners' strike to the charge of the Light Brigade.
- Source: NME-interview on 10th October 1987 -
In 1979, Margaret
Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, became Britains first
female Prime Minister. Thatcher took very restrictive economic and
currency measures in order to solve Britain's economic problems of that
time, which slowed down inflation but also led to the ruin of many
companies and a strong increase of unemployment, especially amongst
young people. Thatcher set out to end socialism in Britain by
denationalizing nearly every industry that Labour had taken under
government control in the previous 40 years as well as some industries,
such as telecommunications, that had been in state hands for a century
or more. She reformed the union law, taking power away from the trade
unions and restricting people's right to strike. 1984 was the beginning
of a massive miners' strike, organized by the miners' union NUM, with
the aim to prevent the closing of 20 mines. The strike lasted for
nearly a year and was accompanied by continuing violence. On 5th March
1985 the miners had to give up without achieving any results. The
government was able to use the strike to weaken the trade union
movement even further.
- Read more:
The strike serves as background for Stephen Daldry's movie Billy Elliot (2000) and Val McDermid's novel A Darker Domain (2008). 1984 also deals with this strike.
gateways to the nation:
description of the press is reminiscent of the biblical quote
"Jerusalem is the gateway to the nations. But the gate is broken."
- Source: The Bible. Ezekiel
26, 2 -
Valley of death:
Biblical allusion. Pslam 23 says:"The LORD is my
shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green
pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my
soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's
sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I
will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they
comfort me."
- Source: The Bible. Psalm 23, 1-4 - Read more:
James Bible - Wikipedia
The line "no one needs morality when there isn't enough to eat" reminds
me of the famous quote from Bert Brecht's (1898-1956) play The
Threepenny Opera (1928): "Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die
Moral" - "Eating comes first, then comes morality". Brecht does not
mean to say that people are selfish but that you cannot expect people
to be noble as long as they have to fight for their bare existence;
circumstances determine people's actions.
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to Burn the Castle |
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Back to Here Comes the War | Back to Lights Go Out
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Chinese Whispers
Chinese Whispers:
Its a term for a game that you can play, say if you have ten people in
a circle and you whisper something to one person, by the time you get
it back, by the time it goes around the circle, it's completely
changed. It's like a gossip thing, people pass this bit on to that
person and by the time it gets back it is completely changed and the
whole meaning of the rumour that started out, or whatever it was that
started out, has completely changed.
- Source: Robert Heaton in an
with Chris Benn in May 1997 -
Natural justice:
A legal philosophy used in some jurisdictions
in the determination of just processes in legal proceedings, according
to which certain basic legal principles are required by nature, or so
obvious that they should be applied universally without needing to be
enacted into law by a legislator. The concept is very closely related
to the principle of natural law, an ethical theory that posits
the existence of a law whose content is set by nature and that
therefore has validity everywhere.
- Source: Wikipedia entries on
Natural justice
Natural law -
Nature's Law:
This could either be natural law in the philosophical sense given
above, or an observable law relating to natural phenomena, e.g. if you
drop something it will fall down because of gravity.
Christian morals:
There is a book of this title by the English philosopher Sir Thomas
Browne, published in 1716. However, I rather think the lyrics refer to
a set of Christian values specified in the Bible, such as the
Ten Commandmends or the Sermon on the
Mount which tells Christians to love and forgive one another (which
stands in marked contrast to the biblical principal of retributive
justice expressed in the phrase "an eye for an eye").
- Read more: Wikipedia on the
Sermon on
the Mount -
Methinks the
lady doth protest too much:
Slightly misquoted from Shakespeare's Hamlet. In this tragedy
the ghost of the Danish King informs his son Hamlet that he was killed
by his brother Claudius, who usurped the throne and married his wife
Gertrude, Hamlet's mother. Before Hamlet can take revenge he hast to
make sure that the ghost is not an evil spirit that lied to him. One
way is to show a play to the Danish court that presents the murder. In
the play, however, the widowed queen refuses several times to marry the
murderer. When Hamlet asks Gertrude how she likes the play she answers
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks". "To protest too much" has
become proverbial; if someone protest too much they become
untrustworthy and will probably do or have already done exactly what
they deny.
- Source: Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Act
III, scene 2 - Read more:
Project Gutenberg -
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Christian Militia
Witch hunt:
In European history, the persecution and burning of alleged witches,
mostly women, through the Christian church between 1450 and 1700. The
term is also used metaphorically for the persecution of people that
differ from mainstream opinions or habits. (Most notably, in his play The
Crucible Arthur Miller uses the authentic story of a witch hunt in
Salem, Massachusetts, in the 17th century as a parable for the
communism hysteria during the McCarthy era in the USA of the 1950s).
- Read more: Wikipedia
The Crusades were a series of religious conflicts
which occurred in the years 1095-1291, most of which were sanctioned by
the Pope in the name of Christendom. The Crusades originally had the
goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the
"Holy Land" (i.e. Israel and Palestine) from Muslim rule. The term
crusade is also applied to a war instigated by the church for alleged
religious ends and, more generally, an organised campaign concerning a
social, political, o religious issue, typically motivated by a fervent
desire for change.
- Source: The New Oxford Dictionary of English - Read more:
Wikipedia -
Christian Militia:
The image of the "Christian soldier" is based on military imagery in
the bible's New Testament. Military equipment stands for Christian
- Read more: Wikipedia
This image is used in several church hymns. One of
them was written by Sabine Baring-Gould, who might also be a
inspiration for The Attack. It is called
"Onward, Christian Soldiers", and the refrain goes "Onward, Christian
soldies, marching as to war, / With the cross of Jesus going on before".
- Read more: Wikipedia
Furthermore, in Anglican (i.e. the Protestant English
State Church) theology, the Christian Church is divided into the Church
Militant, Christians on earth who fight against sin and the devil, and
the Church Triumphant, Christians in heaven.
- Read more: Wikipedia
Historically, "an ecclesiastical tribunal established by Pope Gregory
IX c. 1232 for the suppression of heresy. It was active chiefly in
northern Italy and southern France, becoming notorious for the use of
torture. In 1542 the papal Inquisition was reinstituted to combat
- Source: The New Oxford Dictionary of English - Read more:
Wikipedia -
Son of Man:
Jesus Christ. Hitler replaced the Christian
religion in Germany with a sort of pagan/pseudo-Christian religion and
stylised himself as some Jesus-like figure.
Born again:
In Christianity, the term born again or
regenerated is synonymous with spiritual rebirth. It means to obtain
- Read more:
Wikipedia -
"Noisy, showy, and exciting activity and display designed to attract
and impress".
- Source: The New Oxford Dictionary of English -
The American Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to own
guns. This right is not undisputed because of a high level of gun
violence in the United States in comparison to other developed
countries. However, many right-wing Christians support a liberal
firearms law.
- Read more:
"A severe or concerted attempt to suppress something"
- Source: The New Oxford Dictionary of English -
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Militia | Back to Bad Harvest
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Coming Up
Black Dyke Ridge:
I could not find a Black Dyke Ridge anywhere. However, there is a Black
Dyke Lane in Thornton,
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The song:
This was hurriedly recorded in Newcastle for
the 'Poison Street' single. Robert and Moose [Jason Harris] put down
the basic idea while Justin was writing the lyrics sitting in his
knackered car on a snowbound motorway flyover. The song was written for
a friend of ours made redundant from the Newcastle shipyards . . .
- Source: B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks booklet -
As Justin's hometown Bradford
is famous for its textile industry, probably cotton mills. But it can
also refer to other kinds of industry or mean 'factories' in general.
The decline and unemployment caused by the de-industrialisation of
Bradford is also probably mentioned in Did
You Make it Safe?, No Greater Love,
and Over the Wire.
Whetley Lane:
The only reference to a Whetley Lane I found is not to Newcastle but,
hey hey, Bradford. It lies in the
northwest of the town, as part of the Outer Ring around the centre,
next to
Carlisle Road.
Crocodile tears:
Insincere expression of grief.
News at Ten:
Famous daily news programme, starting at about 10.00 pm, on British TV
Channel 4. The programme ended in 1999.
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Crocodile Tears
Crocodile Tears:
Tears or expressions of sorrow that are insincere.
- Source: The New Oxford Dictionary of English
on your shoulder:
Pun. a "chip on one's shoulder" is a deeply ingrained grievance,
typically about a particular thing, while a "microchip" is a tiny wafer
of semiconducting material used to make an integrated circuit. [I had a
clearer idea of microchips before I read that definition].
- Source: The New Oxford Dictionary of English -
or drowning:
A well-known British poem by Stevie Smith is called "Not Waving But
Drowning" (1957):
Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.
Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he’s dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.
Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
- Read more: Wikipedia
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The song:
The song begins with a reference back to 'Trust'
and it was written about the same thing [i.e. about New Model Army's
first bass player, Stuart Morrow, according to interviews]. Every
member of the band played guitar on it somewhere . . . so did the
producer, Pat Collier.
- Source: B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks booklet -
The perfect hate song.
- Source: Justin Sullivan, Sep.-Oct. 89 Red Sky Coven Tour -
There's an English proverb: "You can't eat your cake and have it" (i.e.
keep it at the same time).
1770-1827. Famous German composer. First symptoms of deafness appeared
in 1802. It was not until about 1819 that his deafness became total. He
continued to compose until 1826.
- Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica - Read more:
Jesus Christ:
The central figure in the Christian faith. He was a Jew born in Galilee (Israel) who
acted as teacher and healer; one of his central messages was to love
and forgive one another.
Around the age of thirty, he was baptized, found himself twelfe
followers or disciples, was
accused of sedition against the Roman Empire and crucified in Jerusalem. Christians believe that Jesus
is the human son of God, born by the virgin Mary,
as the Messiah whose coming was prophesied in the Old Testament of the
bible to provide salvation and
reconciliation with God. They also
believe that he performed miracles
during his lifetime and was
resurrected after his
crucifixion, i.e. he came back from the dead.
- Read more: Wikipedia -
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Apocalypse Dreams | Back to
Between Dog and Wolf |
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Grandmother's Footsteps |
Back to If You Can't Save Me | Back to Mambo Queen of the Sandstone City
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White Light ]
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30/11/13; last update 17/06/17