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Mambo Queen of the Sandstone City
I got lost in the maelstrom
I lose concentration
I see fish in the water
But too fast for me
So I go climbing up the long road
That leads out to the backstreets
And in a great walled garden
Is the place that I'm looking for
I've come to see . . .
The Mambo Queen of the Sandstone City
She sees signs that I cannot see
Breaks it down like a true punk rocker
Because nothing is ever what it seems
She's got a puritan
She brought back from the Congo
He stands guard over the virgins
He stands watching in my dreams
She sculpts things in the garden
Were there are trees full of wind-chimes
They start ringing when she walks by
Like a wild weather warning
She's the Mambo Queen of the Sandstone City
She reads signs that I cannot see
Breaks it down like a true punk rocker
To splinters of mirror glass
at my feet
And I have always loved her
I just didn't realise
It's a world full of curses
That we carry to the grave
But she knows all about that
She takes weight from my shoulders
She breathes fire on the deadwood
She breathes fire in my blood
The Mambo Queen of the Sandstone City
She sees things the way I cannot see
Breaks it down like a true punk rocker
Splinters of mirror glass at my feet
Today Is a Good Day - CD (9/09)
Today Is a Good Day - Double LP (9/09)
Anthology - Double CD (2/11)
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There was always something holding you back
Some other world that was calling
Maybe in the mountains where you stretched your arms
Without fear of falling
They tried to bring you their love and fear
But you would never receive it
I tried to tell you that you had everything that you need
But you would never believe it
So you tried to make family
But nothing was given
So you gave them your own blood
For theirs had been stolen
Yeah, you tried to make family
But nothing was given
So you gave them your own blood
And all of it stolen
You took the water from the wishing well
You never saw that you shouldn't
You tried to break all the bad in the world
You never saw that you couldn't
You can count up everything that you have
It never stops the craving
Ain't it always the ones that want to be saved
That do all of the saving
Between Dog and Wolf - CD (9/13)
Between Dog and Wolf - Double LP (9/13)
March in September - Flexi 7" (9/13)
(Between Dog and Wolf Tour 13) -
Between Wine and Blood - Double CD (9/14)
(Between Dog and Wolf Tour 13)
- Between Wine and Blood - Double LP (9/14)
(Christmas 2014 shows) - Between
Wine and Blood Live - Triple CD (4/15)
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They found us in the courtyard
At our table in the shade
We toasted our last few moments
And then the end came
They took us back to the airstrip
In that beaten up old car
And we rattled across the African scrubland
In silence
Our hands locked together
And with cold steel cuffs
Sometimes I wish it was still that way
Now a whole world has died since then
So many faithless days
I was born alone and lucky
And I'm just used to it that way
My dice still roll in sixes
And yours still turn up ones
And I have taken my good fortune
And I've run and run
But I always swore I'd come back for you
Is it too late now to come back for you
Now beneath this lonely junction
On the northbound M 6
We spray our words of signature
On the concrete bridge
And between the words of wisdom
And the slogans of despair
Someone's just gone and written
'I'm sorry' there
Well I always swore I'd come back for you
Is it too late now to come back for you
You're the only one I'll ever love
Impurity - CD (9/90)
(Remastered) - Impurity - Double CD (5/05)
14/02/91 - Marquee, London
Mar.-May 91 - Europe Tour (Partly as Raw Melody Men)
(Nobody Else ?) - Feb.-May 98 - Nobody Else Tour (UK, Europe)
Feb.-May 98 - Nobody Else Tour (UK, Europe)
Oct.-Dec. 98 - Europe, UK Tour
Sep.-Oct. 89 - Red Sky Coven - UK,
Germany Tour
24/07/90 - Justin Sullivan and Joolz - Hackney Empire, London
Oct. 91 - Red Sky Coven - Germany, Vienna Tour
04/09/93 - Justin Sullivan - Freilichtbuehne, Luebeck (Anti Fascism
Nov.-Dec. 93 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Europe Tour
Jan.-Feb. 94 - Red Sky Coven - Germany, Amsterdam Tour
Jul. 94 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Netherlands Festivals
Sep. 94 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Netherlands Tour
Aug. 98 - Justin Sullivan - Germany Tour
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In the tall grass upon the dune
He rests his head on you
It's warm wind and a faded sky
You watch him drifting far away
Dreaming, drowning
Did you marry a man who married the sea?
He looks right through you to the distant grey
Calling, calling
Tried to build a wall of sand
It flows like water through your hand
Living in the Rose (The Ballads EP) - Maxi CD (6/93)
Living in the Rose (The Ballads EP) - 12" (6/93)
B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks - CD (9/94)
Anthology - Double CD (2/11)
Red Sky Coven Volumes 1 & 2 - CD (1/99)
23/07/96 - Justin Sullivan - Kaue,
Aug. 98 - Justin Sullivan - Germany Tour
Jan. 99 - Red Sky Coven - Germany Tour
Mar. 99 - Red Sky Coven - UK Tour
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(Instrumental demo) - The Attack - Bootleg CDR (year?)
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Well we all learned how to use a fork and a knife
How sometimes we have to wear a suit and tie
And understand these things are what give us the right
To go around the world acting superior
We live with missiles
and the armaments cash
With rewritten histories and a fictional past
And though some of us still have questions to ask
The ship she sails without a
Goddamn this master race that
we're born in
Goddamn this howling wolf that we're serving
I've had it up to here . . .
The opposition, we ain't doing so well
Our understanding is weak and our knowledge is small
And though kids scrawl frustration on the back street wall
Most of them can't even spell bastard
Sometimes all I know is that cold wind blows
Down the valley from the mountain snows
On these muggy nights I lie awake
And wait for the thunder and the skies to break
But they are god and they are strong
And they can name the right and wrong
And they reclaim the things they own
They call us now . . .
So Candy please forgive these things that I've done
When the Master race calls I know sometimes that I run
And you mean more to me now than you ever did before
As I try to stay away from their clutches
The Ghost of Cain - CD (9/86)
The Ghost of Cain - LP (9/86)
(Remastered) - The Ghost of Cain - Double CD (5/05)
Original 20 - CD (3/04)
Anthology - Double CD (02/11)
(High Tour 07/08) - Fuck Texas, Sing for Us - CD (11/08)
Red Sky Coven Volume 3 - CD (1/01)
Mar. 87 - Northern Europe Tour
06/06/87 - Reichstag, Berlin
Aug. 87 - USA Tour
Sep.-Oct. 87 - UK, Europe Tour
Jul. 88 - Northern Europe Festivals
Jan.-Apr. 89 - Thunder and Consolation Tour (Europe, UK)
03/07/99 - Justin Sullivan and Friends -
Forestglade Festival, Wiesen
23/07/96 - Justin Sullivan - Kaue,
Aug. 98 - Justin Sullivan - Germany Tour
Jan. 99 - Red Sky Coven - Germany Tour
Mar. 99 - Red Sky Coven - UK Tour
30/09/99 - Justin Sullivan - Markthalle, Hamburg (Move for Mumia)
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(Bob Dylan)
Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly
Like Judas of
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain
You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
Jesus would never
Forgive what you do
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul
And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead
(Europe, UK Tour 02-03) - Justin
Sullivan and Friends - Tales of the Road - CD (3/04)
Justin Sullivan and Friends - DVD (10/04)
Mar.-May 03 - Justin Sullivan & Friends - UK, Europe Tour
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(Chuck Berry)
Long distance information, give me Memphis, Tennessee
Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me
She could not leave her number, but I know who placed the call
'Cause my uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wall
Help me, information, get in touch with my Marie
She's the only one who'd phone me here from Memphis, Tennessee
Her home is on the south side, high up on a ridge
Just a half a mile from the Mississippi bridge
Help me, information, more than that I cannot add
Only that I miss her and all the fun we had
But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree
And tore apart our happy home in Memphis, Tennessee
Last time I saw Marie, she was waving me goodbye
With hurry home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye
Marie is only six years old, information, please
Try to put me through to her in Memphis, Tennessee
19/03/17 - Ringlokschuppen, Bielefeld
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It was
Friday morn when we set sail
And we were not far from the land
Our Captain he spied a mermaid so fair
With a comb and a glass in her hand
And the ocean waves did roll
And the stormy winds did blow
And we poor sailor boys were sitting up a-loft
While the land lubbers lay down below
Then up spoke the Captain of our
gallant ship
And a fine spoken man was he
This fishy mermaid has warned me of our doom
We shall sink to the bottom of the sea
Then up spoke the mate of our
gallant ship
And a grand old fellow was he
Saying I have a wife in
Salem by the Sea
And tonight a widow she will be
Then up spoke the cabin boy of our
gallant ship
And a cheeky young laddy was he
Saying I have a girlfriend in
Brooklyn by the Sea
And tonight she'll be weeping for me
Then up spoke the cook of our
gallant ship
And a bloody old butcher was he
Saying I care no more for my pots and my pans
They shall sink to the bottom of the sea
And three times around spun our
gallant ship
And three times around spun she
Three times around spun our gallant ship
And she sank to the bottom of the sea
New Model Army - CD (7/87)
New Model Army - LP (7/87)
All of This - The "Live" Rarities - CD (4/99)
(Remastered) - Thunder and Consolation - Double CD (5/05)
Mar. 87 - Northern Europe Tour
Jan.-Apr. 89 - Thunder and Consolation Tour (Europe, UK)
Jun.-Jul. 89 - Europe Festivals
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(Cab Calloway)
Folks, now here's the story 'bout
Minnie the Moocher,
She was a red-hot hootchie-cootcher,
She was the roughest, toughest frail,
But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale.
She messed around with a bloke
named Smoky,
She loved him though he was
He took her down to Chinatown,
And he showed her how to
kick the gong around.
She had a dream about the king of
He gave her things that she was needin',
He gave her a home built of gold and steel,
A diamond car with a platinum wheel.
He gave her his townhouse and his
racing horses,
Each meal she ate was a dozen courses;
She had a million dollars worth of nickels and dimes,
She sat around and counted them all a million times.
Red Sky Coven Volume 3 - CD (1/01)
Jan. 99 - Red Sky Coven - Germany
Mar. 99 - Red Sky Coven - UK Tour
Jan. 01 - Red Sky Coven - Germany Tour
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still shouting from the city walls but no one ever hears
And far below the traffic moves like fish upon the ocean floor
to the rhythms of the tide
We're holding on so tight because it seems as if we're moving very fast
But all this speed is just illusion as we while away our lives
Whatever they want from you - you don't have to give
Whatever they say to you - you don't have to give
Whatever they put you through
Fury to the left of me, madmen to the right
And on Caesars Mall seduction
is so sweet
It's easy to forget that there's a price on
Whatever they want from you - you don't have to give
Whatever they say to you - you don't have to give
Whatever they put you through
Eight - CD (1/00)
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It seems strange to write about these things now
but the time has probably come when we should
accept whatever is past and gone and never will return . . .
Looking back to the beginning
I see a flood of painful memories
and the bitter hurt and wounded pride that comes with our defeat
We set out with our heads held high -
so sure our ground, our righteousness,
the new Jerusalem to be
built with love and guts and truth
But in the end we surrendered easily.
It's no use pretending otherwise . . .
well most of us had a little something to lose, enough to break our
Well some of us made an easy peace and moved into
the Brave New World;
it's hard for the true believers to look back now and realise
that for many of the crowd it was just the fashion, the cause of the
well we if anyone should know that you can look pretty dumb standing in
last year's clothes
And some of us, shell-shocked
ran for shelter and do the rituals
the same old way pretending that someone out there cares
And some of us live in the modern world.
We give unto Caesar what is due
and harbour the bitterness of defeat and daydreams of revenge . . .
Now nothing you see out there is real,
It matters not what you believe in.
It matters less what you say but only what you are.
It matters what you are. It matters what you are.
Here Comes the War - Maxi CD (2/93)
Here Comes the War - 12" (2/93)
Here Comes the War - 7" (2/93)
B-Sides and Abandoned Tracks - CD (9/94)
Anthology - Double CD (2/11)
(Stuttgart Longhorn, 04/05/98) -
New Model Army . . . & Nobody Else - CD (8/99)
(Nottingham etc.) - Rock City
23-10-2000 - Video (2001???)
(9/94) - Big Guitars in Little Europe - CD (3/95)
Feb.-May 98 - Nobody Else Tour
(UK, Europe)
Oct.-Dec. 98 - Europe, UK Tour
04/09/93 - Justin Sullivan -
Freilichtbuehne, Luebeck (Anti Fascism Festival)
Nov.-Dec. 93 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Europe Tour
Jul. 94 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Netherlands Festivals
Sep. 94 - Justin Sullivan and Dave Blomberg - Netherlands Tour
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(Bobby Pickett)
I was working in the lab late one
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from the slab began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise
He did the mash
He did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
He did the mash
It caught on in a flash
He did the mash
He did the monster mash
From my laboratory in the castle
To the master bedroom where the
vampires feast
The ghouls
all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes
They did the mash
They did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They did the mash
It caught on in a flash
They did the mash
They did the monster mash
The zombies
were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included wolfman
and his son
The scene was rocking all were
digging sounds
on chains backed by his baying hounds
The coffin bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group the crypt kicker five
They played the mash
They played the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They played the mash
It caught on in a flash
They played the mash
They played the monster mash
Out from his coffin Drac's voice
did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid and shook his fist and said
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania
It's now the mash
It's now the monster mash
The monster mash
And it's a graveyard smash
Now it's the mash
It's caught on in a flash
Now it's the mash
Now it's the monster mash
Now everything's cool Drac's a
part of the band
My monster mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door tell them Barney sent you
And you can mash
Then you can monster mash
The monster mash
Cause it's a graveyard smash
Then you can mash
You'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash
Then you can monster mash
Aug. 84 - UK Tour
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Why must we dream ??? (deify?) nowhere
Why must we lie, nowhere to go
Sad (stand?) everybody lie to go
Why must we dream a lie to go
Government with no consensus
Crimes with no defendants
(Time, no time)
How many slogans will it take
Till they realise that these people aren't
As simple as they think
How many women must pay
Why must we dream a lie ???
Government with no consensus
Crimes with no defendants
Focuses without no interests (engines?)
Governments with no consensus
(Time, no time)
How many slogans will it take
Till they realise that people aren't
As simple as they'd like to think
Oh easy to sitting out of reach
And watch the generations break like waves upon a beach
Government with no consensus
Crimes with no defendants
(Time, no time)
(Keighley Funhouse Bar, 14/09/81) - Unreleased
Songs 83-85 - Bootleg Tape
Thanks to Monty for help with the lyrics!
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It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
It's time to meet the Muppets
On the Muppet
Show tonight
It's time to put on makeup
It's time to dress up right
It's time to raise the curtain
On the Muppet Show tonight
And now let's get things started
Why don't you get things started
It's time to get things started
On the most sensational inspirational
Celebrational Muppetational
This is what we call the Muppet Show!
(Instrumental) - Oct.-Dec. 90 - Impurity Tour
(UK, Europe)
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Tell all the people who believe what they read in
the press
Tell all the folk who stare from behind suburban walls
The enemy is not some nation far across the sea
The enemy is with us every single breathing day
So yes, I will fight for my country
The land that I love so well
Yes - for justice
A land fit for all our futures
Yes, I will fight for my country
The land that I love so well
Hear the voices
Of our history echo all around
Fight all the ones who divide us rich against poor
Fight all the ones who divide us white against black
Fight all the ones who want their missiles
in our earth
Fight all the powers who would lead us into war
No rights were ever given to us by the grace of God
No rights were ever given by some United
Nations clause
No rights were ever given by some nice guy at the top
Our rights they were bought by all the blood
And all the tears of all our
Grandmothers, grandfathers before
For all the folk who gave their lives for us
For all the folk who spit out - never
say die
For all the fires burning on our highest hills
For all the people spinning tales tonight
Fight all the powers who would abuse our Common Laws
Fight all the powers who think they only owe themselves . . .
No Rest for the Wicked - CD (5/85)
No Rest for the Wicked - LP (5/85)
(Remastered) - No Rest for the Wicked - Double CD (5/05)
(Coventry Poly, 09/10/86) - Poison
Street - 12" (plus Bootlegged Bootleg) (2/87)
(Nottingham Rock City) - White Coats - 12" (6/87)
(Nottingham Rock City) - White Coats (EP) - 7" (6/87)
(Nottingham Rock City) - New Model Army - CD (7/87)
(Nottingham Rock City) - New Model Army - LP (7/87)
(Coventry Poly, 9.10.86) - All of This - The
"Live" Rarities - CD (4/99)
(London Town and Country Club, 23/12/86) - Join the Army - Bootleg LP
Jun. 85 - UK Tour
Sep.-Nov. 85 - Brave New World Tour (Europe, Japan, UK)
Feb.-Mar. 86 - UK Mini Tour
05/04/86 - Breekend Festival, Bree (Belgium)
26/07/86 - Mersea Island Festival, Colchester
Aug.-Dec. 86 - Ghost of Cain Tour (UK, Europe, USA, Canada)
Mar. 87 - Northern Europe Tour
06/06/87 - Reichstag, Berlin
Aug. 87 - USA Tour
Sep.-Oct. 87 - UK, Europe Tour
Jan.-Apr. 89 - Thunder and Consolation Tour (Europe, UK)
14/02/91 - Marquee, London
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Stare across the crowd, the fear and love in their
The children of the tribes, prisoners of the flags unfurling
Protect us in these changing times,
The warm embrace, the killing price . . .
My people right or wrong
Remember running from the hall as the voices
screamed behind us
I felt I'd die for you in the sunlit hills of our home
The moments come then recede away
The empty words, the hollow light of day . . .
My people right or wrong
And outside is cold
Staring up at the lighted window
And in the bitter home
The thicker the blood the faster it keeps on flowing
Get in your place, boy
Let's take what's ours, boy
Understand the price, boy
I've seen those who try to make a life without kin
for ever
So I've taken my place uncertain at your shoulder
The last few prayers, the whistle blow,
And into the fray once more we go
My people right or wrong
The Love of Hopeless Causes - CD (4/93)
The Love of Hopeless Causes - LP (4/93)
The Best - CD (2001)
Jul. 92 - Europe Festivals
27/08/92 - Queens Hall, Bradford
[ Introduction | Song Index | Updates ]
01/04/99; last update 11/06/17